
unit3 health lesson3 how can we keep healthy 鲁科版五年级下册英语课件

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much junk food. Junk food is not good for our health. It makes us fat.РD: We should eat fruit and vegetables every day. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.РListen, read and match.РA: We shouldn’t puter games for too long. It’s bad for our eyes.РB: We should do sports every day. We should have enough sleep. It makes us healthy and strongРC: We shouldn’t eat too much junk food. Junk food is not good for our health. It makes us fat.РD: We should eat fruit and vegetables every day. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.РRead paragraph 1 and 2 and circle should and shouldn’t. ?(阅读第一段,第二段,圈出should和shouldn’t )РWe should do sports every day.РWe should have enough sleep.РWe shouldn’t puter games for too long.РRead paragraph 1 and 2 and circle should and shouldn't. ?(阅读第一段,第二段,圈出should和shouldn’t )


