
七年级英语下册Module4 Unit2 Life In the Future课件外研版

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强风Рclimate 气候РsmoothР大雨,暴雨Рbad weatherР平静的Рlarge plane?=very bigРsmall carРfuelР燃料Рexpensive?cheapРtake the plane to Beiing = fly to BeijingРFlying is fast.Р名词,(坐飞机)飞行Рtransport 运输РfarmРmachineРheavy and dull jobРboring , not interestingРjobsРon the farmРuse the sun to heat the homesРmake the homes warmРhomesРcomfortable?舒适РWhat will the sea be like??It will be rough,rough rough rough.?What will the wind be like??It will be strong, strong strong strong.?What will the climate be like??It will be bad, bad bad bad.РLet’s chant.РWhat will the holiday be like??It will be long, long long long.?What will the technology be like??It will be better, better better better..?What will the machines be like??They will be busy, busy busy busy.?What will the homes be like??They will fortable, comfortable …


