c anemia, acute hemorrhagic anemia and megaloblastic anemia.РAnisocytosis:?There is a great disparity in the volume of erythrocytes, whose diameter can differ from each other by over 100%. This phenomenon is seen in pathological hematopoietis, which reflects the significant hyperplasia of the erythocyte series in the bone marrow. In hyperplastic anemia such as iron feficiency anemia, hemolytic anemia and hemorrhagic anemia, when anemia is moderate,anisocytosis is a feature of this anemia, and this phenomenon is specially obvious in megaloblastic anemia.РPoikilocytosisРSpherocytes:small hyperchromic cells lacking normal central pallor, hereditary spherocytosis, extravascular hemolysis as in autoimmune hemolytic anemia, G6PD deficiency. ?Elliptocytes:elliptical, hereditary elliptocytosis.Р10