stions.?How does Hi feel?? He feels hot.?Which season does Hi like best? Why?? He likes spring best because it is warm.?Which season does Hi hate? Why?? He hates summer because it is hot.?Which season does Lo like?? He likes all four seasons.?Why does Lo never feel hot or cold?? Because he is a robot.РTo learn about the weather in the four seasons by skimming?2. To get the specifice information in different seasons by scanning ?3. To learn some key words and? useful expressionsРObjectives:Рtake a trip go on a ic?make snowmen fly kites?go swimmingР接龙Р幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。Р每人一词,按行/列依次接龙,3秒内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。РicРshineРtripРspendРfootprintРkickРeverythingРwetРsnowyРbrightlyРduringРblowРgrandparentРrelativeРtownРAustraliaРdryРHow’s the weather?РHow’s the weather??It’s raining.