
人教版新目标go for it九年级英语unit 13 全单元 课件

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13?We are trying to save the earth.РSection A 1a-3bРLanguage GoalРTalk about pollution ?and envirnmental protectionРObjectivesРTo talk about air pollution, water pollution and sound pollution.?To think about ways of protecting the environment.?To learn the new words: advantage, scientificРserious pollutionРWe are harming our in so many ways.Р伤害Рair pollutionРsoil pollutionРwater pollutionРthe earth song by Michael Jackson !!!РFactories pour dangerous gases into the air.РCars also pour dangerous gases into the air.Рtail gasРair pollution!РThe weather is always foggy.? We can’t see the blue sky. ? We can’t breathe the fresh air. ?Do you know why?РFactories produce too much dangerous smoke. ?The traffic produces too many fumes. ?Some people smoke in public places.РDad, what’s the acid rain?


