
医学院校硕士研究生英语读与写(第二版)unit 1 text A

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well and Panaceia (healing all), both daughters of Asclepius and associated with what modern readers might call “prevention” and “treatment.” The oath concludes with a plea, acknowledging that the physician’s fortunes depend on their fulfillment of the oath’s terms. ? The text mainly tells us what a physician should do with respect to his teachers, his teachers’ offspring, his own offspring, other students of medicine, and his patients and their families. This oath is a mirror for all physicians to examine themselves to see whether they have fulfilled their jobs.РText structure analysisРThe Oath divides into two parts: ?Part I?Paragraph 1 serves as an introduction for the whole passage, declaring that the author will obey the oath.РPart II?Paragraph 2 demonstrates each clause of the oath.


