

上传者:业精于勤 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:29 |  大小:1543KB

e in the tent should do?РThe bear is looking ?for something to eat around the tent.РThe people must stay in the tent till the bear goes far. And don’t make any noise.РRead the passage and answer the questions.Р2РP28РTask 1Р1. Where do you think is the best place to keep food safe from bears?Р2. What was the noise behind the writer?Р3. Do you think their camping trip was interesting?РI think the best place is in a high tree.РIt was a mother bear.РNo, I don’t think so. They have to think about the bear during the trip.РTask 2Р1. Bear opened the bag of food on the first evening of their trip.?2. If we make some noise, the bears may e close.?3. You can make a sound when you see a bear.?4. A bear runs fastest in the forest.?5. I was just a bit afraid when I heard the noise behind me.Рcan’tРvery


