
o captain ,my captain英文赏析

上传者:你的雨天 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:15 |  大小:46KB

en cold and dead. ? 您全身冰冷, 已经阵亡。Р1. The flag is flung: the flag is flying.?2. Bouquets : bunches of flowers.?3. the shores a-crowding: the crowds of people gathered on the shore.?4. the swaying mass: the moving crowd of people.?5. It is some dream: The reality is like dream, as if Lincoln were still alive in the world.РFurther explanation:РBy using the second person the poet participates in the conversation with the captain to express his longing for the captain and his sorrowful mourning over the death of the captain. He is so sad that he is not clear on the reality and dream. ? The continuous use of “for you” not only expresses the love and support from the American people for Lincoln but also suggests the poet’s doubt about Lincoln’s death, bringing the sad feeling to the highest point.


