
【精品】PPT课件 Lecture 27

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ial position, the whole sentence is negated.?e.g. No honest man would lie.?c) Negative statements can be reinforced by shifting the negative word from its normal position to the head of the sentence, in which case subject-oriented inversion is often require.?e.g. He would never do such a thing.?d) Other devices for negative reinforcement include “not one/ a single + singular noun”, “not a wink”, “not a finger”.Рe.g. Not a single sound was heard.?e) Devices for negative reinforcement also include “never never”, “never + auxiliary do” and some set expressions.?e.g. I shall never, never go there again.Рnot…any longer与not …any more都可以表示“不再”的意思。?e.g. I do not see him any more/longer.? He’s not at school any longer / more.? I can’t wait any longer.?I didn’t feel sick any more. The pain had gone.


