会交往。排队的时候可以和其他等待买酒的人交谈。在英伦诸岛上,和陌生人亲切地交谈被认为是完全适宜的正常行为的唯一场所可能就是吧台了?你如果没去过酒吧,那就等于没有到过英国。"这个忠告可在名为《酒吧护照:旅游者酒吧仪俗指南》的小册子中找到,它对那些想要领略"英国生活和文化核心部分"的人是一种行为准则。问题是如果你不入乡随俗的话,你将一无所获。譬如说,你们若是团体前往,那最好是一个或两个人前去买酒。酒吧常客和酒保最腻味的就是一大伙人一边聊着一边又优柔寡断不知喝什么酒好,把通往吧台的路给堵住。РGardening:РTips :P34 British Housing: 1.Flats? 2.Terraced(排房)? 3.semi-detached house(半独立式住房/双联式)? 4.detached houses(独院式)РMost people have a garden on their property. Gardening has been a popular pastime since Roman times .Many people in Britain are proud of their houses and gardens. They want to make their houses and gardens nice.Р2. TypesР① Flats/ Apartment?Modern multi-storey purpose-built buildingsР② Terraced houses / Row houses?Individual two storey houses joining onto each other at each side?Two rooms up, two down, small enclosed concrete yard