)РSiege of Constantinople – 1453?君士坦丁堡的陷落РConstantinople (modern-day Istanbul in Turkey) was the capital of the Byzantine Empire(拜占庭帝国), the last vestige of the Eastern Roman Empire.РItalian contact with other culturesРBecause of its convenient location in the Mediterranean, Italian city-states had an advantage over Northern Europe (the Hanseatic League) in that they were in the ideal location to trade with the rest of the world. The Mediterranean sea (地中海) is an ideal place to trade with other nations of vastly different culture.РPatronage of the Arts 提倡艺术РArt of the Renaissance was able to flourish as sculptors, architects, and artists were able to focus their attention on their work instead of trying to find a way to make money.?文艺复兴时期的艺术蓬勃发展,作为雕塑家,建筑师和艺术家们能够把注意力集中于自己的工作,而不是试图找到一种方法来赚钱。