logy of thyroidРLocated in the lower neck anterior to the trachea. Two lateral lobes connected by an isthmus(峡部)?Butterfly- an? 5cm long , 3cm wide ,30g? The parathyroid glands(甲状旁腺) lying on the dorsal side(背面) of the thyroid gland.РRich , from the superior and inferior thyroid artery.?Artery: ?The arterial branches provide blood supply to other structures in the area. The interior thyroid artery provides branches to the pharynx, trachea and esophagus . ?Vein:? 1) The superior thyroid vein? 2) The middle thyroid vein ? 3) The inferior thyroid veinРThe nerves supplying the thyroid originate from vagus (迷走神经), innervate the epithelial cells (上皮细胞) of the follicles(滤泡) of the thyroid gland. ?One must be aware of the bilateral existence of a recurrent laryngeal nerve (喉返神经) during dissection.