Hard Times )—— 1854年?《双城记》( A Tale of Two Cities )—— 1859年?《远大前程》( Great Expectations )—— 1860年-1861年РHe was an English novelist of the 19th century. ?Thackeray began as a satirist and parodist, writing papers with a sneaking fondness for roguish(无赖的) upstarts like Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair ?In his earliest works,he tended to attack on high society, military prowess, the institution of marriage, and hypocrisy.Р威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackeray)18 July 1811 – 24 December 1863Р1837《马夫精粹语录》(Yellowplush Papers) ?1840《水手日记》(Cox‘s Diary) ?1840《悲惨华丽的故事》(A Shabby Genteel Story) ?1841《霍格蒂家的大钻石》(The Great Hoggarty Diamond) ?1844《乱世儿女》,(Barry Lyndon) ?1846《庸人之书》(The Book of Snobs) 《帕金斯夫人的舞会》(Mrs. Perkins‘s Ball)?1848年:《名利场》(Vanity Fair) 《柏奇医生与他的年轻朋友》(Dr. Birch and His Young Friends)РMain works