noun] through or administered into a vein?静脉内的;在静脉内部的或注入经脉的Р●静脉滴注器? an intravenous drip Р●通过静脉注射的吸毒者? intravenous drug usersР不久,同样的病例在通过静脉注射的 吸毒者和受血者中被发现。 cases 病例 recipients of blood transfusions受血者?Soon cases were also found in intravenous drug users and? recipients of blood transfusions.Р9Р17. intravenous adj [only before noun] through or administered into a vein?静脉内的;在静脉内部的或注入经脉的РHIV is overwhelmingly transmitted through sexual contact,?through intravenous drug use, through infected blood donations and from mother to child during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. ?绝大多数HIV病毒是通过性接触、静 脉注射毒品、献血以及怀孕、分娩和 母乳喂养而感染的。? Soon cases were also found in intravenous drug users ?and recipients of blood transfusions.? cases 病例 recipients of blood transfusions受血者?不久,同样的病例在通过静脉注射的 吸毒者和受血者中被发现。РThanks!