构Р技术结构:一个张量Р初始技术:initiative?衍生技术:derivative?共生技术:symbiosis?(endo-/ecto-)Р衍生与共生实例——电子办公系统与生物农业系统Р英特尔公司:?初始技术就是CPUР主板:与CPU内共生Р全部外设:外共生Р转基因技术Р育种Р集成农田管理系统Р农业产出Р衍生于电子办公系统Р孟山都农业技术公司:?初始技术就是转基因育种技术:Р4. 转化的基本模式Р转化模式回答四个问题:?第一,产品结构?第二,业务流程?第三,盈利模式Р案例:ARS模式-Agriculture Research Service? 孟山都模式-Monsanto 农业技术公司РARS模式——基本情况РThe Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific in-house research agency. Our job is finding solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans every day, from field to table.? Here are a few numbers to illustrate the scope of anization: ?800 research projects within 18 National Programs ?2,200 scientists and post docs ?6,200 other employees ?90+ research locations, including overseas laboratories ?$1.1 billion fiscal year budget