oud noise. ? Most fire engines, ambulances, and police cars have sirens. ?eg:It sounds like an air raid siren.? 这听起来像是空袭警报。?2. n. 妖艳而危险的女人;妖妇? Some people refer to a woman as a siren when they think that she is attractive to men but dangerous in some way.? eg:He depicts her as a siren who has drawn him to his ruin.? 他把她描述成是红颜祸水——就是她毁掉了自己。Р3. (siren call,siren song) 诱人的东西;诱惑? siren call or siren song is the appeal that something has although it is harmful or dangerous. Рeg: Unable to resist the siren call of the cards, he withdrew their savings and headed for Las Vegas.? 他无法抵挡赌牌的诱惑,便提取了他们的存款前往拉斯韦加斯。?eg:He said the United States was not willing to engage in a search for partial solutions — to umb, as he put it, to a siren song.? 他说美国不愿意参与仅仅解决部分问题的方案的探索——按照他的说法,这种做法就是向诱惑低头。Рcontemporary usage