
新外研版七年级下M12Unit 1

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ke traditional western music, especially the sound of violins. What about you, Tony? What kind of music do you like??Tony: I like modern music. I love rock. It’s great. You like rock, don’t you, Mum??Tony’s mum: Yes, it’s very lively. But you don’t like traditional Western music, do you, Tony??Tony: No. It’s too slow. I can’t dance to it. I like pop music.?Tony’s dad: I’m not a big fan of pop music. It’s too noisy.РWhat’s the name of the music?РThe Blue Danube /dænju:b/ (蓝色多瑙河).Р2. Who is it by, Strauss or Mozart /’məutsa:t/ ?РIt’s by Johann Strauss. ? /’jəʊha:n/ /straus/ (约翰.施特劳斯)РWatch the flash and answer:РJohann Strauss /’jəʊha:n/ /straus/ ? (约翰.施特劳斯)/Р1 No, he wasn’t. ?2 He was born in Vienna(维也纳), ? the capital of Austria(奥地利).Р1 Was he German??2 Where was he born?Р/vi’enə/Р/’ɔstriə/


