I΄m eleven years old.? 3.When is your birthday?? 4.My birthday is May the first.РI΄mР whenР是I am 的缩写形式? ? 什么时候Р=birth +day? 出生天РbirthdayР我67岁了!РI’m sixty- seven? years old.РHow old are ? you?РisРHow old are you?РI am one year old.Р只有一岁时用 one year oldР表达年龄句型:? How old are you?Р主语+be+基数词+ years oldР一岁时用单数Р有时可省略РOctoberР1983Р十月Р2 4Р星期一 MondayРMy birthday is October the twenty-fourth.РWhen is your birthday?РWhen is your birthday??My birthday is 月份+ the+ 序数词.РsayРcanРIРHow old are you ?你几岁了?Р我十岁了。РWhen is your birthday ??你的生日在什么时候?Р.?我的生日在七月二十五号。РPractise:РI’m ten years old.РMy birthday is July the twenty-fifthРMake a survey!(现场调查)РName?(名字)РAge?(年龄) (生日)Р1.What`s your name??My name is---?2.How old are you??I`m---years old.?3.When is your birthday??My birthday is ____.?像这样采访同学,并快速记录下来。РBirthday