
英语(基础模块)第二册课件Unit 4 Music

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义上与 must 很接近,但 must 表示的是说话人的主观看法, 而have to 表示的却是客观需要。 have to 比must 有更多的时态形式。(3) ought to 无人称和时态变化,表示“应该”“应当”,相当于 should 。其否定式为 ought not to (oughtn ’t to) ,其疑问式为 Ought I /you to...? Unit 4 Music Key : (1)Can (2)Would (3)May (4)would (5)Do (6)shouldn ’t (7)Would (8)will (9) Can (10) must Practice a cup of 一杯 a piece of 一片 shout at 朝……大喊 stay in bed 待在床上 What did people do in the good old days? Question In the good old days, people thought well of each other. People love life in the open air. They believe that the best things in life are freedom, sunshine, laughter, walks in the beauty of the country, friends and music. Unit 4 Music Culture and Entertainment Unit 4 Music Review the new words Review the new phrases Review the important expressions Review the grammar point Self-test


