Р2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions;Р3. Situation questions:Р(1) Bad Haircut likes Susan because Susan is...Р(2) After Not with the Band and John finished high school, John...Р(3) According to Dr. Green's advice, when your friend's new interest aren't healthy, you should...РPair workРOralРReadingРExplanationР教学Р环节Р时间Р安排Р主要内容Р师生双边活动及教法运用Р备注Р新Р课Р归纳Р总结Р布置作业Р20’Р Р 10’Р Р5’Р Р5’Р4. Language points:Р(1)laugh atР(2)get togetherР(3)give upР(4)speak upР(5)put downР(6)hang out withР(7)show up Р(8)get into troubleР(9)make sureР(10)get involved inР5. Read the passage and ask questions.РSum up:Р1. Situation expressions;Р2. Words and structures.РAssignment:Р.Read the new words and passageРHomeworkРExplanationРPracticeРWritingР РOralР考勤Р见教学日志Р教学体会Р(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等