
倒装句so,such not onlybut also-PPT课件(精)

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ng to show an interest in them. ?不但老师自己对外国电影感兴趣,就连他所有的学生也开始对外国电影感兴趣了。? Not only does Miss Li like music, but (also) she likes sports. 李小姐不但喜欢音乐,而且还喜欢体育。? 4. not only … but also 中的 not only 不能分开使用,但 but also 却可以分开使用。例如: The area was not only hit by an unexpected heavy rain , but some bridges were also washed away. ? 5. not only … but also 连接两个并列成分时,可以省略 but 或 also ,也可以把 but also 都省略掉。例如: I not only heard it but ( also ) saw it. He was not pelled (被迫) to stay at home ,( but ) also forbidden (禁止) to see his friend. She not only finished the task ahead of time ,( but also ) she came to help us. ?【注意】使用中注意两点: 1、就近。指谓语形式取决于离它近的主语。 Not only the students but also the teacher reads English every day. 2、一致。 not only 与 but also 后面所接的词类要一致。 She can not only sing but also dance.


