善舞红袖传飞鸿 Confucius RujiaWenhua 简介·Instroduction 图片·Picture 简介·Instroduction 图片·Picture 莫言深闺空寂寞善舞红袖传飞鸿莫言深闺空寂寞 Confucius Confucius lived from 551 BC until 479 BC. Confucianism Confucianist inthroned these rite-music and considered popular music as decadent one. 儒家推崇的就是这些礼乐,把流行乐看成是郑卫之声,亡国之音。善舞红袖传飞鸿莫言深闺空寂寞转彩流光纳美景描形绘影画缤纷 R ite简介·Instroduction 图片·Picture 转彩流光纳美景描形绘影画缤纷 rites Olympics in courtesy and music, is scholastic in Chinese. 礼乐奥运,儒雅中国。转彩流光纳美景描形绘影画缤纷山河日月总成对一句悠然尘世间 Beijing O pera 简介·Instroduction 图片·Picture 山河日月总成对一句悠然尘世间 Beijing Opera is our national opera with around 200 years ofhistory. 京剧是我们的国粹,约有 200 年的历史。 opera