Hostess: Tian Yang Guests: Mo Xiaolin zhou Yiwen 娱乐分享? Regions ? social patterns ? national cultural ? backgrunds 上页下页 Beijing opera Kunqu opera 昆曲 Cantonese opera 粤剧, Henan opera 豫剧, Chuan opera 川剧上页下页上页下页 The famous Western Opera Raised at the European Renaissance period( 文艺复兴时期) large and luxuriours stage The role type of Peking Opera dan shen g jing chou 生生(male roles):(1) 老生(middle-aged or old men) (2) 小生(young men) (3) 武生(men with martial skills) Lao Sheng Xiao Sheng Wu Sheng 旦旦(female roles): (1) 青衣(a woman with a strict moral code) (2) 花旦(Young girl) (3) 老旦( an elderly woman)