rmal education. ——教育政策的不公 Three, education policy, unfair ?四、不同地区各级同类学生在升学考中的录取线不一致。? In different areas, admission line of the students at all levels is inconsistent. ?一套考题相同的成绩,不同的命运,悲惨至极。? Even though the same test, the same scores makes different fates. ——分数线带来的差别 Else, the fractional line difference 而所谓的教育公平又是什么呢? And what is the so-called educational equality? ?所谓教育公平,是指国家对教育资源进行配置是所依据的合理性的规范或原则。? The so-called education fair, refers to the state of education resources allocation which is based on rational norms or principles. ?这里所说的“合理”是指要符合社会整体的发展和稳定,符合社会成员的个体发展和需要, ? Here, "reasonable" is a consistent with the overall social development and stability, in line with the individual development and needs. ?教育公平的内涵可以分为三个层次? Educational equity can be divided into three levels: