Wall China The Pyramid Egypt 1.Built during 2700-2500 BC . 2.used as the emperor's tomb 3.the symbol( 标志) of Egypt and its culture 1.painted by Leona da Vinci about 500 years ago 2.the most famous painting in the history of art 3.kept in the Louve now 4.It is famous for her smile. The Mona Lisa Do they have something mon? 1.famous 2.a long history 3.tell us stories about the past 4.symbols of their countries and cultures They represent the culture of their countries, so they are called Cultural relics 2017-1-11 cultural relics 6 Only original colour picture of the Amber Room In Search of the Amber Room Looking for ! 寻找! What can you infer from the title ? The Amber Room was __________ missing/lost · Listening Skimming Consolidation Homework ·· Reading