
2014春湘少版英语三下《Unit 3 What colour is balloon》ppt课件5.ppt

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:40 |  大小:0KB

— What colou r is it? It’ s red . red What ’ s this? It’s A --- What ’ s this? --- It ’sY --- What col ou r is it? --- It ’s yellow yellow ? What ’ s this? It’s W ? What col ou r is it? It’s white WhiteZ What ’ s this? It’sZ What col ou r is it? It’s Black and white ? What ’ s this? It’sT ? What colo r is it? It’s green blue What ’ s this? It ’sS What color is it? It’ s blue teacher says 1. Please read after teacher when the teacher says: “ teacher says ”. 2. But don ’ t read the word if the teacher doesn ’ t say “ teacher says ”


