
Layout of a Business Letter商业信函格式-课件(PPT讲稿)

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rning. ? Achieve balance between input and output of what have been learned. ? Achieve balance between course-book learning and simulated practice. ? Focus on various writing patterns and writing skills of business correspondences. ? Master monly-used business vocabularies and make good use of them. 外贸函电 Learning guide ? The course will be assessed as follows: ? Routine performance: 3 0%, including: routine attendance ,in-class practice, tests and outside-class assignments ? Final exam: 7 0% 外贸函电 Assessment and Evaluation Criteria Requirements You are appreciated for not ? being late for class or absent from class. ? chewing gums or wearing a cap during classes. ? picking up the cell phone or letting the phone ring during classes. 外贸函电 Chapter One Layout of a Business Letter


