tesMacroclimateis what weather stations report.Microclimateis climate variation on a small scale.Vegetation on north –and south-facing slopesPlant height, canopy size, and cover affect microclimateDesert shrubs and microclimate White sand Black sand Color of the GroundPresence of Boulders and BurrowsMicroclimates under stonesAquatic TempPhysics of water, riparian vegetation Microclimate in aquatic environmentsriffle: 浅滩reed:芦苇Case 2:Temperature and performance anisms Enzyme activity(a) Temperature and performance at the molecular level Enzyme-substrate affinity (亲和力)乙酰胆碱酯酶鲑鱼(b) Extreme temperature and photosynthesis(C)Development and TemperatureAn linear relationship is exhibited between rates of growthanddevelopment of anisms and temperature in most of ectotherms. A protistEgg of a beetle