Spatial Data with GeoDa: A Workbook (Anselin, 2005)?РРGeoDaРGeneral Features:?Data Input and Output?Spatial Data Manipulation?Visualization and Queries?Mapping?EDA?Spatial Statistics?Moran's I?Moran scatterplot: univariate, bivariate, EB corrected?LISA local Moran’s I: univariate, bivariate, EB corrected?Spatial Regression Analysis? ordinary least squares with diagnostics for spatial effects?maximum likelihood estimation of spatial lag and spatial error modelsРРGWR 4.0РGWR4_Manual.pdf?РРGWR 4.0РРSpatial econometrics in StataРNo officially included stata functions, only user-written commands;?Use with cautions!?Major contributions by Maurizio Pisati (2001) and Jeanty (2010)??[shp2dta]: transform shapefile to dta file