
新计算机专业英语 教学课件 朱龙 chapter 7 IT workplace English(20120530)

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ry few days with some new tunes to listen to on mute .?B: I have some songs on puter, How many songs can you put on your iPod ??A: It’s got 8 gigs,so I can put a lot of stuff in there.Р显示翻译Р隐藏翻译РA:在你的电脑上有一些歌曲吗?我想从你的电脑上拷贝一些到我的iPod上。我通常每隔几天就更新一些曲。?B:我有一些歌曲在电脑上,你的iPod能存多少歌曲??A:它有8个G,我能放很多东西在里边。Р返回Р上一页Р下一页Рmunication (办公室交流)Р7.1 IT Workplace Spoken EnglishРA:Do you want me to print you a copy for my report ? ?B:No,just E-mai it to me, if you can.?A:Good,that way you can just make your corrections on line.?B:Yes,and we can save paper.?A:By the way,what is your E-mail address??B:My E-mail address is ABC@?A:Good, I’ll send your mail,Does your office have E-mail??B:Yes.I couldn’t live without it,you can use E-mail to send messages to meР返回Р上一页Р下一页Рmunication (办公室交流)Р7.1 IT Workplace Spoken English


