
新计算机专业英语 电子教案 郭敏 计算机专业英语Unit7

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check for approval from anizations. Don’t respond to e-mail messages from any third party asking you to confirm account details, for they might be an identity theft scam, such as phishing.?Zhang Ling: How can I confirm my account details safely??Li Jie: I suggest visiting the Website with your personal bookmark or by typing the URL of the payment service directly into the browser if you really need to confirm the information.?Zhang Ling: OK. Maybe I’ll try shopping some other day. Thank you for your introduction.?Li Jie: You’re e.РUnit 7 РSection 2 Passage A?A Brief Introduction to the Р1、你平常上网主要做哪些事情?Р2、你了解互联网的发展史吗?Р3、互联网除了给人们生活带来便利之外有哪些弊端?РUnit 7 Section 2 Passage AР?NSF?up?WAN?TCP/IP?SMTP?POP?NNTPРSignature?encryption?LAN?FTP?search engine?C/S?web page?website?hacker?confidential data


