This kind ofРchange is closely related to the writer’personal experience.РKey words: female images evolution humble women m iddle and petty bourgeoisieРAuthor: He Na iy ing is p rofessor at the College of L iterature, Beijing Normal University, China,Рmainly engaged in Eastern literature studies.РT itle: Rescue and Purification: The Themes of The Snow CountryРAbstract: The Snow Country is full of symbols and metaphors for nature and the salvation ofРwomen. Women are rescued and purified by love and beauty while nature by purity and eternity.РW ith bination of both, Daocun experiences the sp iritual p rocess from sexual desire to trueР love, from intimacy to departure and from restrictedness to perpetuity.Р © 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.