reason why Haruki Р[4] 高橋龍夫.2008. 村上春樹「パン屋再襲撃」の批評性――グР Murakami chose a bakery as the attack target in his short story The Р ローバリズム化へのレリーフ[J]. 専修国文,(9):39-61.Р Bakery Attack. This paper analyzes the short story and introduces the Р[5] 舟田詠子.2007. パンの文化史[M]. 東京:朝日新聞社.Р[6] 村上春樹.1991. 村上春樹全作品 1979 ~ 1989(8)[M]. 東京: brief development of bread and bakery in Japan and the Western world. Р 講談社. From the perspective of the function of metaphor in a culture, this Р[7] 村上春樹.2013. パン屋を襲う[M]. 東京:新潮社. es to a conclusion that taking a bakery as the attack target Р[8] 村上春樹研究会編.2007. 村上春樹作品研究事典(増補版)[M]. has a political implication, which is lashing out state power and social Р 東京:鼎書房.Р institution.Р[9] 村上春树.2008. 林少华译. 再袭面包店[M]. 上海:上海译文出Р Key Words: Haruki Murakami; attack target; bakery; metaphorР 版社.Р 23