可以用DROP语句删除。РSPECIFICATION选项格式РStart <TO stop> <BY increment> <WHILE/UNTIL(expression)>; РSpecification选项说明:Р例8.3 起始值例句。?do i=5;?do i=1 to n ;?do i=n to 1 by –1;?do i=k+1 to n-1;?do i=1 to k-1, k+1 to n;?do i=2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17;?do i=0.1 to 0.9 by 0.1, 1 to 10 by 1, 20 to 100 by 10;?do i='saturday', 'sunday';?do i='01jan99'd, '25feb99'd;?do i='01jan99'd to '01jan2000'd by 1;?例句子中,起始值必须全部是数值或全部是字符常数,也可以是变量。字符常数必须用引号括起来。Р例8.4 使用表达式选项。?do i=1 to 10 while(x<y);?do i=2 to 20 by 2 until((x/3)>y);?do i=10 to 0 by –1 while(month='jan');Р应用举例Р例8.5 用GO TO语句跳出循环体。?data a;?input x y; ?if x>y then goto skip; /*skip是循环体外的语句标号*/?y=log(y-x);?yy=y-20;?skip: if y<0 then do;?put x= y=;?z=log(x-y);?end;?cards;?2 6?5 3?5 -1?;run;РxРyРyyРzР1Р2Р1.3862943611Р-18.61370564Р.Р2Р5Р3Р.Р.Р3Р5Р-1Р.Р1.7917594692Р数据集a