

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:3 |  大小:0KB

ity ofundergraduates is stable; and ga哪 exis t am o吃 diff erent grades in five aspec ts,including fe eli吃 and em otionР st ate,daily adm ini stration,occupationa lpreparation,behavior m unicating ability and se lf 一co nt rOl ability. In 邵rticular,Р there are diff erenc es in behavior eff ect and con tact ability and self一co nt ro lability am ong those w ho are the only chi ldren in theirР fa m ilies and thos e w ha are no t. U nd e馆raduates ’self一ma nagem ent ability deveIops w ith their grade. T his res earc h puts fo ,ardР proposa Is on the cultiva tion of se lf- m anagem ent ability of undergraduates in the Pers pectives of re印onsibilities of fam ilies ,soc iety,Р univers ities ,and the undergraduates them selves .Р K ey words: underg ra duates,se l玉m ana罗m ent ability,cultivationР万方数据


