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eth od?????.????????????1 03 5.2.1 OPti m zati on ofD es gn P aram ete rs??????????1 03 5.2.2 DYnam c C onstru cti on C ont ro1????????????.1 09 5.2.3 OPtimization of OPe ration Paramete s????????.1 5.3 P eaki ng·s h av ng D e 8 5.3.1 S ch em e d esi 8 5.3.2 C ontro m eas ure 8 5.4 Sum m 9 ChaPter 6 DeveloPment of risk management and evaluation system ofsalt rock underground gas storage....120 6.1 D eVe oP m ent P ri n c P e of sY ste m?????????????1 20 6.2 Structu re design of sYstem????????.???.????..1 22 6.3 F unct o n an d characte ri st cs of sY stem.??????????1 25 6.4 Engi neering aPP1 cati on?????????????????..1 27 6.5 Engi neeri ng ap P cati on?????????????????..1 32 ChaPter 7 Con clu sion s and P rosPects???????????..1 33 7.1 Mai n re searc h co nc us ons???????????????.?1 33 VIl


