
ASME B30.5-2004 汽车起重机和机车起重机

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es volume shall be done, as applicable, in accordance withР the requirements of this volume.РSECTION III: INTERPRETATIONS It is not the intent of this volume to require retrofittingР of existing equipment. However, when an item is beingР Upon request, the mittee will render an inter- modified, its performance requirement shall be reviewedРpretation of any requirement of the Standard. relative to the current volume. If the performance differsРInterpretations can only be rendered in response to a substantially, the need to meet the current requirementРwritten request sent to the Secretary of the mit- shall be evaluated by a qualified person selected by theРtee, ASME, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016- owner (user). mended changes shall be made byР5990. the owner (user) within 1 year.Р ix


