自抗扰控制入门 2014.7.13 Zhiqiang Gao Center for Advanced Control Technologies Cleveland State University z.gao@ cact.csuohio.edu 天津大学得于环中,以应无穷概要 1. 控制论要解决什么问题? 2. 为什么参数整定是带宽问题? 3. 自抗扰控制原理的建立 4. 自抗扰控制原理的内涵 5. 自抗扰控制原理的验证 6. 自抗扰控制技术的工程化小结 1. 控制论要解决什么问题? Control: a problem of balance , of measuring the load and supply the energy, of perfection Engineering ics, H.S. Tsien , 1954 The principle of feedback control We know now: to stabilize, just make the feedback lag - free! The turning point in Tsien’s Engineering ics Engineering ics, H.S. Tsien , 1954 模型论的本质成本?