........................................... 83 9.15.1 Year 1 English Speaking International Students 国际学生第一学年(英语) ................................................... ........................... 83 9.15.2 Year 1 Chinese Speaking International Students 国际学生第一学年(汉语) ................................................... ........................... 83 2009-10 XJTLU Undergraduate Handbook Page v Appendices 附录 Appendix I XJTLU Student Charter 西交利物浦大学学生守则 Appendix II Regulations on Administration of Studen ts in Regular Higher Education Institutions 普通高等学校学生管理规定 Appendix III Guideline for Student Conducts in High er Education Institutions 高等学校学生行为准则 Appendix IV HET modation Regulations 独墅湖高等教育区学生公寓住宿管理规定 Appendix V What to do before your first English cla ss 在上第一节英语课之前学生应该做些什么