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spect type of discussion of some crucial issues concerning linguistic study ingeneral and color research inparticular. EFL teacher’ spoliteness in the classroom: An investigation ,by XuYi ng,p. 62 This study is based on an examination of t he Chinese EFL teacher’ s linguisticpoliteness enact ment in uttering control acts in 8 EFL classrooms. Three key notions set t he tone of t he teacher’ spoliteness :power ,goal of efficiency and intima2 cy. Data shows t hat t he force of control acts does not depend solely on t he construction employed , t he kind of mitigation is also a determining factor contributing to t he force of utterance. Results reveal t hat teachers are basicallypolite. Thepre2 vailing style of t he teacher’ s speech acts of control is bot h highly direct and richly mitigated.


