
2016年中考英语话题阅读理解专项练习 17个话题(含答案)

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h. They want\r33. (sw血) inthe cool water. At night, lots of stars in the sky smile at us.丑上\rbeautiful they are! In a word, the summer days are pleasant and we can always迈~\rourselves.\r答案\r一一、阅读理解\rl.A 2. B 3. D 4.C 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. D IO. B\rl 1. A 12. D 13. B 14.D 15. C\r二、阅读与表达(混合式)\r16.F 17. at home 18. On weekends,they usually have a big dinner together.\r19. My father is busy every day. 20.她总是为我们做好吃的食物 。\r21.只有 130个人住 在这 个岛上 。 22. Then he helps in the shop.\r23. D 24. Seven jobs. 25. America.\r三 、补全短文\r26. writing 27. safely28. asleep29. river(s) 30. wishes\r31. longest 32. for 33. to swim 34. How 35. enjoy


