number and crowded on the\rstreet frightened the police.\rThe large street crowds frightened the police.\r5. In order to prove that he had the ability to play on the football\rteam, George had to train hard like the old players.\rTo prove his ability to play on the football team, George had to\rtrain hard like the older players.\r6. A surprising part of the local people is their friendly quality.\rThe local people are surprisingly friendly.\r7. Fears that are carried deep down inside us will be sure to\rcontrol us.\rFears inside will control us.\r8. These clothes were priced at a level that was higher that what.\rmost people could afford.\rThese clothes were expensive.\rÌÍÎÏ#\nÐÑÒlm?ÓÔÕÖ×`ØÙÚ|}ÛÜ