reality, but don, t sell out to\rconvenience.\r5. Those who lack genuine core values always rely on external factors--\rtheir looks or status----in order to feel good about themselves.\rSection B. Web Site Resources: The Best Aid for Cheating?\rReading Skillsl. G 2. F 3. A 4. H 5. C 6. B 7. D\r8. E\rComprehension of the Text\r1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. C\r8. B\r%p ?\nI'(Ex. XIV, p. 244.\r1. strategy\r2. inclined\r3. readily\r4. contemporary\r5. semester\r6. perceiving\r7. ultimate\r8. appropriate\r%p ?\nI'(Ex. XV, p. 244\r1. handed him over to\r2. did the trick\r3. have access to\r4. Regardless of\r5. make the most of her freedom\r6. hailed her as\r7. for free8. sort of