r clearly states, we are aware\rof and take responsibility for the impact the fashion industry has on body ideals,\respecially on young people.\r()*+,-?./0123456789:8*“<=>?@12ABCD\r?EF?? \nGH ?EF'”56?JKLMNO@?PQRSTUVW\rXYZ[\]/01^_$`a?bcde1^fCFW>'\rg2016 G Text4]\rI.The infrastructure required to make a physical newspaper - printing presses,\rdelivery trucks - isn't just expensive; it's excessive at a time when online - only\rcompetitors don't have the same set of financial constraints.\r()*iKMjklmn?opqrs s tuvwxyzs s {|\n}~\r
?N{?G?qr?!'\r2."But we're going to have questions like that where we have things we're doing\rthat don't make sense when the market changes and the world changes.\r()* “{0?? ¡?<¢{8£?¤?\r<¥$¦§¨?©ª'«¬ ¡?®¯°±?²³'”