for journalists to rely on their notions of significance and make their\rjudgments.\r?¢¨27\ni\r?W}~?\r?Wit is preferable for journalists to rely on their notions of significance and\rmake their judgments.\r?WWhile comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, íîe\r?\rW hileÂHïð\rcomment and reaction from lawyerspñOsò3abóôZóõ[¦Át\rö÷/sò3abóô\rmay enhance stories,ÁÔøenhanceùúûü ÁÔøùúݽÁt/\rÁÔøýûâþÃ?\rit is preferable for journalists to rely on their notions of significance and make\rtheir judgments.\r?Y@\19993ÿ 0@P`\rBPp It + be+adj+ for +sb+to do sth ?\r??\rP`\n?!"p#$%&'(\r)*(\rP+\r,-./012P3456P75?8P9'\r:??p#$%&\r'(\r)*(\rPP+,-./012P345;<=?>P`\r?@AB"p\rCDEFPGHIJK?=LM;NOP'Q#$%&'(\r)*(\rP+,-./012P345;<=?>P`\r36