r .NET.\r2. The handful of soldiers fought bravely against the enemies and\rdied heroic deaths.\r3. In the accident, over three hundred people were buried underneath\rthe wreckage waiting to be rescued.\r4. She endured all kinds of hardships on the journey; nothing could\rkeep her from finding her lost daughter.\r5. Don't get mixed up with that gang. They have committed many\rcrimes in broad daylight.\r1 . N 1940??P$$\r0P$+ ¡?\r¢£¤¥¦§\r"¨©r8\rª«Z¨N¬®¯°\r±²³´Gµ+²¶?·¸\r2 .?¢£¹ºq/P»#$¼½¾¿ÀÁ?ÂÃ+Är?\rÅÆ\rÇ?È©ÉZP»ÊËÌ Ì P»ÍÊAÎHÏÁÐÑÒ\r?ÂÃÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚ?ÊÛ\r3 .ÓÔ?ÂÃÜÝÞßà5áâ?ãP$äå\ræ?çèén\rêëʨU)ìíîï\r4 . ðqñòóNôõ\rö÷ø"P$ùIÆÂ?XúûüP$\rùIÆÂ?Xú¤¶ý\r+þÿ 0@0P`p?\r5 . ???? !"#$\r?%&' ('?)%&*+,-%&./01$23\r4?5?%&.6789:;<=?>5?@?%\r