op relations with foreign countries in seeking a favorable international environment for its reform\rand to make contributions to world peace and developm ent.在国际关系方面, 中国将继续发 展与外国的\r关系, 寻求•个对自己改革有利的国际环境, 继续对世界和平和发 展作出贡献。 5. Ill keep at\rit——whatever the challenges might be—and never give up until I achieve success.不管会面临什么挑战,\r我都会坚持,永不放弃,直到取得成功。 6. The latest research seems to imply that without the software\rof emotional maturity and self-knowledge, the hardware of academic training alone is worth less and less.\r最新的研究似乎表明,缺乏情感成熟和自我了解这•软件,纯学术培训这•硬件越来越没有价值。 XIII.\r1 . B 2 .A 3 .C 4 . A5. D 6.C 7. B8. A9. D 10. C 11, A12.D 13.C 14.B 15. C 16.D 17.D 18.0 19.A20.B