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@\r3 . u?Opa0 ¡¢@\r4 . -£i?¤¥v¦§,\n<¨©ª«¤¥©ª¬&®¯°,@±²³i?§,\r´\n«¤¥Uv¦µ¶·¸¹º@;\r5 . »¼½¾U¿mpÀÁÂ,ÃÄ@\r6 . PÅmpÆÇÈÉÊËÌ4-C<¿Í=?ÎÏ@\rQoze\rXII.\r1. C2, B3. C4. A5. C6. B7. D 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. C13. A14. D 15. D 16.B17. A18.\rD 19. C20.A\rXIV\rThere has been a sad tendency among youngsters in valuing material things more and\rmore. For college students, the most popular subjects that they prefer to choose are\raccounting,computer programming, business, etc. When they graduate from colleges, the\rjobs they prefer to choose are sales representative, advertisement designing, international\rbusiness, etc. Fewer and fewer people are choosing teaching or social services as their life\rcareer.