ou\rnot meant to do it ,you would not have done it. e ®tsW¢¯°±²b\r³ {X`\r+?´~b³?~b1e#\r3 .Microsoft is working on ways to reduce the cost of its products so that people in\rdeveloping countries can afford them .\rPQµ¶·¸¹º»±?¼¨?G½u¾¿??4¡SÀjÁ#\r4 apple also will bundle some of its software with Microsoft products to help boost\rits sales .¡ÃÄ0¹ÅÆQtÇPQ?º»ÈÉ®Á?GÊË.\r¹ÌÍ#\r5 unlike fathers, mothers are judged by their parenting successes of failures ;for\rmothers, everything depends on how their kids turn out. ÇÎÏÐ<bÑ?4ÒÎ\rÏÓ<VÔ?X¹JÓÕ?Ö;×Ø#®ÙlÚ%ÛÜÝÞJfg{\r?4#\r6 people will find the website invaluable as we have put in a lot of time prepare the\rinformation .4Ò1ußz!àá2\rÏâ?EJ¦Òãäeåæçèéêàá\r?ëì#