

上传者:徐小白 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:30 |  大小:0KB

orking field and in the mouth as a whole. This avoids the fatigue forming shadows from the hands, teeth, lips and cheek being seen on and around the working field. To achieve this the dental operating light needs to have 3 (orthogonal) axes which then enables the lamp to turn in all directions to achieve the desired position next to the head of the dentist and avoid placing the lighting rectangle obliquely over the face of the patient which is fortable for him/her. Position of the lamp for a right handed dentist, when sitting behind the patient: in principle on the left, slightly above and to the side next to the head of the dentist (for left handed dentists in mirror image). When the lamp is placed on the left side: shadows will be formed under the right hand and instrument. 15° 45°


